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Some days are hard and it’s a struggle to just believe. You have days like that?

I’m house sitting this week and I while i was dusting the house I see this…

And I remembered this… “For the Scriptures tell us, “Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith.

And it made me smile. Then I went to the next room to dust and I saw this…

And I laughed and said, “Okay God. I hear you.” Then went back to dusting.

Then I was headed to bed and I see this…

And I heard, “Don’t grow weary, Jill. Just believe.”

Galatians 6 and Proverbs 12:13 tell me not to grow weary. Hebrews 10 tells me that if I just wait, I’ll be rewarded. And now God is making it abundantly clear that He just wants me to simply believe.

And so I’m sharing this with you. To encourage you to hang in their.

Point to ponder while you wander…what you believe guides your choices, like a rudder steers a ship.

See also Matthew 8:13. Genesis 15:6. Mark 9:23-24. John 3:15-18. Romans 10:9